Sustainability & Envision

In line with these values, Naik is committed to sustainability and reducing our carbon footprint, both on our projects and within our office operations.

Many of our engineers hold certifications such as Envision Sustainability Professionals (ENV SPs) and LEED, demonstrating their expertise in sustainable and resilient civil infrastructure practices. Our engineers are dedicated to staying at the forefront of sustainability, continuously expanding their knowledge and expertise through ongoing education and professional development. Certifications like Envision and LEED provide strong incentives for our team to strive for higher sustainability standards at every stage of a project, from planning and design to construction, operations, maintenance, and project end-of-life phases.

Since 2015, New York City has been fully committed to addressing the climate crisis through the comprehensive OneNYC 2050 plan. This strategic plan serves as the city’s official roadmap to combat global warming, promote equity, and enhance democracy. We wholeheartedly align our infrastructure projects with the city’s ambitious goals for mitigating climate change, incorporating sustainability principles into our construction management plans and engineering designs.

  • Porous Concrete
  • Bioswales
  • Tree Pits
  • Envision Sustainability Program
  • Waterfront Edge Design Guidelines (WEDG)