Project Category: Construction & Program Management

Rehabilitation of Rutgers Tube

The Rutgers Tube Project was undertaken to restore and upgrade various systems and components within the Rutgers Tube that had sustained damage during Superstorm Sandy. Additionally, it addressed systems and components that had reached the end of their operational lifespan. The overarching goal was to achieve State of Good Repair (SOGR) and enhance long-term resilience […] Read More

14th Street Station Complex

This $200 million project aims to achieve full accessibility at the 14th Street Station Complex, in compliance with the ‘Americans with Disabilities Act’ and addressing the ‘State of Good Repair’ requirements. The station complex comprises three stations: 6th Avenue Canarsie, 14th Street/6th Avenue, and 14th Street Broadway/7th Avenue. As the primary Project Management Consultant, our […] Read More

The 42nd Street Connection

As the Program and Construction Manager overseeing the Midtown area projects, which encompass the 42nd Street Transit Connection stretching from Times Square to Grand Central Terminal (GCT), our responsibilities extend to the supervision of all present and future projects conducted by New York City Transit (NYCT), Metro North Railroad (MNR), Long Island Railroad (LIRR), as […] Read More

Construction & Program Management

Streamlining project flow, accelerating schedules, and transferring risk is a 24/7 specialty of Naik’s construction management team. Our highly skilled team of construction and program management professionals, boasting a collective experience in supervising projects exceeding $1 billion in value, provides a wide-ranging array of services. Our in-house talent roster includes Program Managers, Senior Project Managers, […] Read More

Times Square Shuttle

New York City Transit has embarked on an ambitious endeavor to revitalize and modernize the Times Square and Grand Central Shuttle, originally constructed in the 1930s and located within the Time Square Station Complex. This reconstruction project for the Shuttle Station addresses long-standing deficiencies in the station layout, which have historically hindered efficient operations, passenger […] Read More