New York City Transit has embarked on an ambitious endeavor to revitalize and modernize the Times Square and Grand Central Shuttle, originally constructed in the 1930s and located within the Time Square Station Complex. This reconstruction project for the Shuttle Station addresses long-standing deficiencies in the station layout, which have historically hindered efficient operations, passenger flow, and safety at both Times Square and Grand Central Stations.
In our capacity as the Consultant Construction Manager, we managed this extensive Mega Project, valued at $132 million, which includes various aspects of civil engineering, structural improvements, mechanical enhancements, and electrical upgrades. Key elements include the construction of a new ADA-compliant island platform located 350 feet to the east of the existing station, structural reconfiguration of 130 columns, and the installation of a mechanical bridge over Track #4 at Times Square Station. Additionally, new stairs will be added, extending from street level to the mezzanine plaza, involving the restructuring of the subway roof and the relocation of Con Edison Utilities. The project also involves the creation of a new single island platform by filling in Track #3 at Grand Central Terminal Station.