Improvements to Signalized Intersections on Route 28

  • Client: NJ Department of Transportation
  • Location: Bound Brook, NJ

Project Overview

We are actively engaged in providing utility and traffic engineering support to the New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT) for an intersection improvement project located along Route 28, spanning from I-287 (Exit 14) to Thompson Avenue. Our traffic engineering services encompass a comprehensive analysis of traffic capacity and Level of Service (LOS), the design of new traffic signal infrastructure at all four corners of the Route 28 and Thompson Avenue intersection, and the implementation of a protected/permitted left turn signal phase. This innovative approach is aimed at facilitating and enhancing left turns in both eastbound and westbound directions at the Tea Street intersection.

Furthermore, our traffic engineering responsibilities extend to coordinating the proposed signal layout with planned Right-of-way acquisitions and easements. We are also dedicated to resolving any potential conflicts that may arise between the proposed traffic signal equipment and the existing or planned underground and overhead utilities.